
High-order conservative semi-Lagrangian finite volume schemes for transport equations


In this talk, I will discuss my prior work on high-order conservative semi-Lagrangian finite volume schemes for transport equations. The two most well-known benefits of semi-Lagrangian finite volume schemes are the allowance for large time step settings and their mass conservation properties. I will introduce two distinct types of semi-Lagrangian schemes: splitting-based and non-splitting schemes. Each possesses its own advantages and corresponding drawbacks. I will cover the fundamental concepts and showcase various numerical tests to both verify their effectiveness and highlight the differences between them.

About Dr. Nanyi Zheng

报告人郑南艺2023年6月毕业于厦门大学数学科学学院, 师从邱建贤教授。 目前在美国特拉华大学从事博士后研究工作。 曾在SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering以及Journal of Scientific Computing上发表过多篇高水平科学论文。 报告人目前的主要研究方向是发展守恒律方程和Vlasov模型的高阶半拉格朗日方法以及高维问题的低秩偏微分方程求解器。